Curating data related to food composition.


Week before 16 Feb, 20201

Item counts
Item class Count
food items 47
New Properties
Property ID EN Label Link datatype
P302 sourcing circumstances Property:P302 item
P296 Wikibooks Cookbook Entry Property:P303 URL
P297 Property:P297 quantity
P298 Property:P298 quantity
P299 Property:P299 quantity
P300 Property:P300 quantity
P301 Property:P301 quantity
New Items
class EN Label Link
sourcing circumstance presumably Item:Q567658
sourcing circumstance misprint Item:Q567660
sourcing circumstance miscalculation Item:Q567661
sourcing circumstance approximately Item:Q567662
sourcing circumstance contradiction Item:Q567663
taxon name Koenigia alaskana Item:Q567664
food item Hop Shoots Item:Q567657
food item Narrowleaf Plantain Item:Q567665
food item Broadleaf Plantain Item:Q567666
New Queries
Query topic Link
Query for packaged food items from the sr_legacy dataset of FDC
Query for all properties with descriptions and aliases and types

of Information Technology Delhi (IIIT-Delhi) (2017).

  • How will we help users select between ?
  • How will we help users select between 40+ brussels sprouts entries from FDC? (Advanced search for phrase)

Week before Feb 9, 20201

New Properties
Property ID EN Label Link datatype
P295 Dehydroascorbic acid Property:P295 quantity
P296 Vitamin K Property:P296 quantity
P297 Phenolic acids Property:P297 quantity
P298 Hydroxibenzoic acids Property:P298 quantity
P299 Hydroxycinnamic acids Property:P299 quantity
P300 Flavonols Property:P300 quantity
P301 Anthocyanins Property:P301 quantity
New Items
class EN Label Link
taxon name Wasabia koreana Item:Q567651
food item Lamb's quarters Item:Q567652
food item Skeleton weed Item:Q567653
food item Shepherd’s-purse Item:Q567650
food item Chicory Item:Q567654
food item Hawthorn berries Item:Q567655
food item Wild fennel Item:Q567656
New Queries
Query topic Link
Wikidata query for items with OFF ingredient id and the articles about these foods in all 'pedias with lang label

Week before Feb 2, 20201

New Properties
Property ID EN Label Link datatype
P283 editor Property:P283 string
P284 Oxalic acid Property:P284 quantity
P285 Fumaric acid Property:P285 quantity
P286 Phenolics Property:P286 quantity
P287 Flavonoids Property:P287 quantity
P289 Carotenoids Property:P289 quantity
P290 Neoxanthin Property:P290 quantity
P291 Violaxanthin Property:P291 quantity
P292 Quinic acid Property:P292 quantity
P293 Shikimic acid Property:P293 quantity
P294 Nitrate Property:P294 quantity
New Items
class EN Label Link
food item fool's watercress Item:Q567642
food item borage Item:Q567643
food item wild leek Item:Q567641
food item shepard's purse Item:Q567650
unit cup(s) Item:Q567645
unit Tbs Item:Q567647
unit tsp Item:Q567648
dish granola Item:Q567644
dish granola Item:Q567649
packaged food item ground flaxseed Item:Q567646
FCT Mediterranean Wild Edible Plants Item:Q567640
New Queries
Query topic Link
Query for ranked list of items containing most to least DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) listed in this wikibase